Activated bleaching earth HY-1040
Activated bleaching earth HY-1040
This product is customized as drilling mud based on good quality attapulgite clay. And it is applicable to geological drilling, marine drilling and geological drilling in salt containing area. It features good thermal stability and salt resistant property, therefore, the number of rejected wells will be small while using it to protect the wall of wells, and the drilling efficiency is improved and the cost is cut down as well.
Production performance and its application
1. This product features good colloidal and suspending properties, and is suitable to be used as drilling mud under various geological conditions.
2. Because of good thermal stability, it shows no flocculation or dilution under high temperature, therefore, it is applicable to deep drilling and terrestrial heat drilling.
3. Its salt resistant ability makes it free from being affected by electrolytes, thus it can still be in mud form even in saturated brine. It is appropriate for marine and salty stratum drilling.
Technical specifications (conform with GB5005-2002) API-13
Test Item
Test Results
600revolution reading
≥ 30scale
Residue on sieve 200mesh
(200mesh ≤ 8%)
Cutting stength(Pa)
Passing loss(ml/30min)
A.P.I Yeild( m3 /MT)
Preparation of product
Add water to the product and stir the mixture in a homogenizer for 20 minutes. Then put in synergist and dehydration-weakening agent, etc. to prepare the required mud.
Packing material and specifications
Braided bags, paper-and-plastic bags and paper bags Specifications (as per bag):
25kg , 40kg , 500kg and 800kg